TIFF and LibTiff Mailing List Archive, September 1998

1998.09.01 20:52 "Anyone use xil librarys on a sun to do G4 compression?", by Bill Jeffers
1998.09.08 16:55 "Where did the LibTIFF distribution go?", by Sam Leffler
1998.09.21 01:41 "TIFFReadRGBAImage (cont)", by Michael S. Harrison
1998.09.21 17:50 "latest beta?", by Michael S. Harrison
1998.09.21 18:06 "buglet in tools/tiffinfo.c", by Ralf Fassel
1998.09.21 18:34 "colormap size problem in tiff file from PC, TIFF 3.4beta036", by Ralf Fassel
1998.09.22 14:49 "TIFF Questions - TIFF 7.0 ?", by Ed Grissom
1998.09.23 14:21 "Y2K Compliance of tiff lib.", by Stijn Vancraeynest
1998.09.25 14:50 "Annotation", by Yannick Pinson
1998.09.25 21:21 "fix for TIFFMergeFieldInfo", by Michael O'Rourke
1998.09.25 21:53 "<80a6> tags in header of TIFFs.", by Andrew Schultz
1998.09.29 10:24 "bug in tif_luv.c", by Stefan Brabec
1998.09.29 16:55 "", by Anonymous
1998.09.29 20:57 "libtiff 3.4 beta037 bug", by Christopher Tracy