TIFF and LibTiff Mailing List Archive, July 1999

1999.07.01 21:59 "TIFFReadScanline and Tiles?", by Ken Land
1999.07.02 17:10 "Problem with byte order", by Thomas Ledoux
1999.07.14 14:13 "Sample files with Indexed tag?", by Martin Bailey
1999.07.15 23:47 "RGB Gradient Code, adapted from Andreas Neumann", by Eric B. Middlecamp
1999.07.16 14:53 "Tag - ORIENTATION", by Olof Larsson
1999.07.16 16:51 "Convert TIFF to PDF", by Benatti Alexander R
1999.07.19 12:53 "White point in CIELab TIFF files", by Martin Bailey
1999.07.27 11:09 "Y2K", by Janine Neil
1999.07.27 21:38 "Activity? Maintenance?", by Michael L. Welles