TIFF and LibTiff Mailing List Archive, August 2015

2015.08.13 18:58 "[Tiff] [patch] Additional CMake fixes (2)", by Roger Leigh
2015.08.17 05:49 "[Tiff] hi i need you help", by 이강훈
2015.08.19 13:52 "[Tiff] Large files under Windows", by Bob Friesenhahn
2015.08.27 13:22 "[Tiff] libtiff release soon", by Bob Friesenhahn
2015.08.28 14:17 "[Tiff] checkit_tiff, configurable tool to validate tiff files", by Andreas Romeyke
2015.08.30 19:23 "[Tiff] libtiff 4.0.5 is released", by Bob Friesenhahn